cs@ucy.ac.cy | +357-22-892700
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Ph.D., Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, 2011 | |
Dr. Christophoros Christophorou (Male), has completed his undergraduate and graduate studies at the University of Cyprus (B.Sc. in Computer Science and M.Sc. in Advanced Computer Technologies, 2002 and 2005, respectively). He received his Ph.D., also at the University of Cyprus, in the area of Mobile/Wireless Networks, in 2011. Since January 2014, Mr. Christophorou has been working as a Special Teaching Scientist in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus. He is also involved, since October 2010, in the R&D Department of CITARD Services Ltd undertaking Research and Development in several National and EU funding projects, having also the roles of the Project and Technical Manager. He has published over 35 papers in journals, scientific conferences and book chapters. Since 2004 he has been involved in different local (RPF-funded) and EU-funded research projects in the domain of ICT systems as well as Mobile and Wireless Networks, such as FRAIL, GrowMeUp, Miraculous-Life, SocialRobot, Co-Living, C-CAST, C-MOBILE, MOTIVE and BBONE. | |
His main research interests and expertise are mostly concentrated in the Mobile Telecommunications and Networking research fields with major interest in 5G Mobile Cellular Networks area. These includes 5G Key Technologies, energy efficient multi-tier Mobile Network Architectures, Device to Device Communications, Fog Computing, Cloud Computing, Delay Tolerant Networking, Software Define Networking, Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) Network Densification and Small Cell Deployment and Algorithms and Mechanisms for efficient spectrum management in 5G Networks. Other research interest and expertise include Multicasting Technologies in 5G Mobile Networks, Database Management Systems, and design and development of Innovative Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems and services. |