"Design Tradeoffs for the Alpha EV8 Conditional Branch Predictor" published in ISCA 2002, is included in ISCA@50 Retrospective!
Panagiota Nikolaou presented "INTERPLAY: An Intelligent Model for Predicting Performance Degradation due to Multi-cache Way-disabling" at SELSE 2023!
Publication at IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (June 2022)
New Job Opening for a Special Scientist Position for the project "PDC"! Applications accepted until the end of September.
Publication at IEEE International Symposium on Defect and Fault Tolerance in VLSI and Nanotechnology Systems Design (DFT), (October 2022)
Excited to have three papers accepted to MICRO 2022!
Publication at IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (April 2022)
Publication at IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing ( Early Access ) (2022).
Georgia is undertaking an Internship at Huawei Zurich Reseach Center (Feb-July 2022)
Publication at IEEE MICRO, 2021 (Octomber 2021)
Publication at IEEE Transactions on Computers (July 2021)
Publication at Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) (February 2021).
Georgia Attended ACACES Summer School (September 2021)
Publication at IEEE Transactions on Computers (February 2020)
Publication at DFT (October 2020)
Publications at ISPASS (August 2020)
Publication at HPCA (February 2020)
Patent granted on “End-to-end Transmission of Redundant Bits for Physical Storage Location Identifiers between First and Second Register Rename Structures.” Ron Gabor, Yiannakis Sazeides and Arkady Bramnik, July 2019
Publication at ACM TACO (March 2019)
Publication at ISPASS Conference (March 2019), Nomination for Best Paper
The paper "Error-Shielded Register Renaming Subsystem for a Dynamically Scheduled Out-of-Order Core" by Ron Gabor, Yiannakis Sazeides, Arkady Bramnik, Alexandros Andreou, Chrysostomos Nicopoulos, Karyofyllis Patsidis, Dimitris Konstantinou and Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos received a Best Paper Award at Date , March 2019
Publication at IEEE TSUSC (January 2019)
Three book Chapters in a "Harnessing Performance Variability in Embedded and High-performance Many/Multi-core Platforms" Book, part of Springer Nature 2019
Patent granted on “Detecting errors in register renaming by comparing value representing complete error free set of identifiers and value representing identifiers in register rename unit.” Alex Gerber, Yiannakis Sazeides, Arkady Bramnik, Ron Gabor, November 2018
Yanos has been inducted to MICRO hall of fame, October 2018
The paper "Sensing CPU Voltage Noise through Electromagnetic Emanations" coauthored by Zacharias Hadjilambrou, Shidhartha Das, Marco Antoniades and Yannakis Sazeides received a Best of IEEE Computer Architecture Letters Award for 2017 and was invited and presented at the 24th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA 2018) conference on February 27, 2018.
Publication at HPCA Conference (February 2018)
Yanos Sazeides presented Uniserver work at Intel and Technion in Israel (December 2017)
Zacharias Hadjilambrou will visit ARM as an intern for a four month period (September - December 2017)
Probabilistic WCET estimation in presence of hardware for mitigating the impact of permanent faults, Damien Hardy, Isabelle Puaut and Yiannakis Sazeides received
DATE 2016 Best Paper Award
Yiannakis Sazeides spent a sabbatical with Intel Haifa, Israel during November 2015 and July 2016.
The Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, is participating in an important EU research and innovation project which aims in the development of
Uniserver "A Universal Micro-Server Ecosystem by Exceeding Energy and Performance Scaling Boundaries".
The UniServer project is funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program for a duration of three years and began in February 2016.
M.Sc student Zacharias Hadjilambrou received award for the 2nd best performance for the academic year 2014-2015 from the Computer Science Department of the University of Cyprus
Zacharias Hadjilambrou and Lorena Ndreu will attend the Eleventh International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems
on 12-18 of July 2015, Fiuggi, Italy
Panagiota Nicolaou and Philippos Papaphilippou will attend the second international training school on Manufacturable and Dependable Multi-core Architectures at Nanoscale (median) on 13-15 of July 2015 in Prague.
Giorgos Klokkaris will visit ARM as an intern for a four month period (August - December 2015) on subject "Data Profiling: Exposing Data Movements in the Memory Hierarchy". The internship is sponsored by the HIPEAC Industrial Internship Programme
Panagiota Nikolaou will visit IROC as an intern for a three month period (September - December 2015) to develop the "Reliabilty Architect" tool. The internship is partialy funded by the COST Action IC1103
Ph.D student Marios Kleanthous, during his internship in ARM sponsored by HiPEAC, applied for the following patent:
"Entry Replacement Within Data Store"
Marios Kleanthous and Sami Yehia, Patent submitted January 2007
Undergraduate students received in 2004 awards in a competition by the Cyprus Research Foundation promoting undergraduate research:
Kypros Constantinidis - 2nd Award
Andreas Artemiou - Honorable Mention