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1st Cyprus Workshop on Signal Processing and Informatics


Nicosia, Cyprus
University Of Cyprus (new campus)
July 8, 2008






Organised by:


University of Cyprus                                                                     Arizona State University



Sponsored by:





This one-day workshop hosts presentations by faculty, students, and industry researchers in the areas of signal processing image processing and analysis and informatics. The purpose of the workshop is to disseminate new research results in several areas and help establish industry, university, and government and multi-university collaborations.


A total of 27 abstracts are presented into 5 different sessions. These sessions are the following: Sensors & Cognitive Systems I, and II, Models and Systems, and Biomedical Technology I, and II. The latter two sessions are organised in collaboration with the University of Cyprus, Project: IntraMEDnet-A Mediterranean Research and Higher Education Intranet in Medical and Biological Sciences (http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/intramednet). EU Community Initiative Programme INTERREG III B ARCHIMED.


Also, a round table discussion on the topic of Industry DSP and Cyprus will be carried out.


We would like to express our sincere thanks to the IEEE Cyprus Section for the sponsorship, and the


Wishing you a fruitful and joyful event, and looking forward in making this workshop a yearly event.


C. Pattichis, A. Spanias, T. Kasparis, and M. Pattichis

July 2008



digital signal and image processing
sensor data and signal analysis
biomedical signal and data analysis
wireless communications
real-time signal analysis
multimedia systems
signal processing and multimedia in education
sensor networks
speech, audio, and image processing
circuits for sensors and communications

Technical Program













Irene Moulitsas

Cyprus Institute




SESSION 1: Sensors & Cognitive Systems I

Chair: Andreas Andreou, Johns Hopkins University, USA



A micro-Doppler Sonar for Acoustic Scene Analysis in Sensor Networks
Andreas G. Andreou

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering , Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University, and Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus



Multimodal Cognitive Spaces: Implicit User Monitoring
Panayiotis Georgiou, University of Southern California


Processing of Correlated Signals During Human Attention
Kleanthis C. Neokleous and Christos N. Schizas
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus



Unsupervised classification for Brain-Computer Interfaces
N. Nicolaou, and J. Georgiou
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus



Automatic Age Progression: Methodologies and Performance Evaluation
Andreas Lanitis
Department of Multimedia and Graphic Arts, Cyprus University of Technology



SESSION 2: Sensors & Cognitive Systems II

Chair: Christos N. Schizas, University of Cyprus



User Verification System based on Multimodal biometric features
A. Kounoudes*, N. Tsapatsoulis**, A. Antonakoudi*** and C. Pattichis****
* Dep. of Communication and Internet Technologies, Cyprus University of Technology
** Signal Generix Ltd
*** Department of Computing and IT, Philips College
**** University of Cyprus, Department of Computer Science, Nicosia, Cyprus


On the use of Rank-Order Coding in Speech Processing
Alexandros Kyriakides+, Constantinos Pitris+, Julius Georgiou+, Bharatan Konnanath* and Andreas Spanias*
+Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus,
*Department of Electrical Engineering, SenSIP Center and Industry Consortium, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA



Signal Processing of Ion-Channel Currents with applications to Sensors
Homin Kwon, Peter Knee, Andreas Spanias, Trevor Thornton, Stephen Goodnick, Stephen Phillips, Michael Gorryl
Department of Electrical Engineering, SenSIP Center and Industry Consortium, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA



3-D Reconstruction of Man-made Structures from LiDAR and Aerial Image Data
Takis Kasparis and Nicholas Shorter
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida, Orlando, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Cyprus University of Technology










SESSION 3: Models and Systems

Chair: Marios Polycarpou, University of Cyprus



Nonlinear Fault Diagnosis of Dynamical Systems: An Adaptive Approximation Approach
Marios Polycarpou

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus



Dynamic Re- Routing for Congestion Control in Event- Based WSNs
Charalambos Sergiou, Vasos Vassiliou, Andreas Pitsillides
Networks Research Laboratory (NetRL)
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus



Subtract Negative Add Positive (SNAP) Estimation Algorithm for Sensor Networks

Michalis P. Michaelides and Christos G. Panayiotou

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus



Probabilistic flooding scheme in VANETs

Yiannos Mylonas, Andreas Pitsillides and Marios Lestas

Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus



Full-Wave Solution of Finite Arrays of Radiating Antennas using Domain Decomposition, Block Stationary Iteration Algorithms, and Singular Value Decomposition
A.C. Polycarpou

Department of Engineering, University of Nicosia



Towards an Embedded System Design for the Control of a Mobile Robot

Charalambos D. Charalambous, and Andreas Lambis

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus



Dynamic Models for Cyprus Demography and Identification of Missing Data

Tziortzis Ioannis, and Charalambos. D. Charalambous

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus






SESSION 4: Biomedical Technology I – Medical Imaging+

Chair: Efthyvoulos Kyriakou, Frederick University

  • Styliani Petroudi, University of Cyprus
  • 17:48

    Tissue Segmentation for Breast Cancer Detection

    Styliani Petroudi
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering , University of Cyprus



    Accelerated MRI Image Processing Using GPUs
    Yiasemis Pantelis, Pedro Trancoso, Isabelle Chrysanthou-Baustert, and Yiorgos Chrysanthou

    Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus



    Nonlinear pulsing schemes for the detection of ultrasound contrast agents

    C. Mannarisa, M. A. Averkioua, M. Bruceb and J. Powersc

    a Dept. of Mech. Engineering, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

     bSuperSonic Imagine, France

     cPhilips Medical Systems, USA



    Robust Motion Estimation using Global Optimization Techniques: Application in Ultrasound Imaging
    Sergio Murillo and Marios S. Pattichis
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    The University of New Mexico, USA



    M-mode state based identification in ultrasound videos of the common carotid artery
    C. Loizou1, C.S. Pattichis2

    1 Intercollege, Department of Computer Science, School of Sciences, Limassol, Cyprus
    2 University of Cyprus, Department of Computer Science, Nicosia, Cyprus









    SESSION 5: Biomedical Technology II – eHealth Systems+

    Chair: Christos Loizou, Intercollege



    Mobile And Robotised Tele-Echography: The MARTE Project

    S. Voskarides, C.S. Pattichis2, C. Novales3

    1 Cyprus University of Technology

    2 University of Cyprus

    3 University of Orleans


    Error Resilience Wireless Transmission of Medical Ultrasound Video Through Noisy Channels Using Segmentation

    A. Panayides1, M.S. Pattichis2, C. Loizou3 and C. S. Pattichis1

    1 Department of Computer Science, University of Cyrus

    2M.S.Pattichis is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, USA

    3Department of Computer Science, School of Sciences, Intercollege, Cyprus


    Telemedicine in the Intensive Care setting, using satellite communication facilities

    Theodoros Kyprianou1, George S. Panayi1 and Marios D. Dikaiakos2

    1 Intensive Care Unit, Nicosia General Hospital

    2 Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus




    An m-health system for continuous monitoring of children
    with suspected cardiac arrhythmias

    E. Kyriacou1,2, C. Pattichis1, M. Pattichis3, A. Jossif4, D. Vogiatzis1, L. Paraskeva1, A. Konstantinides1

    1 Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

    2 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Frederick University, Cyprus

    3 Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, USA



    AM-FM Analysis of SEMG

    E. Hadjiprokopis1, P. Kaplanis2, M.S. Pattichis3 and C. S. Pattichis1

    1 Department of Computer Science, University of Cyrus

    2Department of Medical Physics, Nicosia General Hospital

    3M.S.Pattichis is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, USA




    SESSION 6: Round Table Discussion




    Industry DSP and Cyprus


    Panelists: A. Andreou, A. Kounoudes, M. Polycarpou, A. Spanias











    + The Biomedical Technology I and II Sessions are organized in collaboration with the University of Cyprus, Project: IntraMEDnet-A Mediterranean Research and Higher Education Intranet in Medical and Biological Sciences (http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/intramednet). EU Community Initiative Programme INTERREG III B ARCHIMED.


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