from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf from numpy import array from pyspark.mllib.clustering import KMeans, KMeansModel # for plotting purposes import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt sconf = SparkConf().setAppName("FleetApp").setMaster("local[4]") sc = SparkContext(conf=sconf) # Load data from the given fleet_data.csv to create data RDD data = None # Remove header data_header = data.take(1)[0] # Parse data (from each line of the data RDD get the second and the third column -- a tuple with these two values) parsedData = data.filter(lambda line: line!=data_header).map(lambda line: None) # Build the model (cluster the data) # train(rdd, k, maxIterations=100, initializationMode='k-means||', seed=0, initializationSteps=2, epsilon=0.0001, initialModel=None) k = 2 kmeans = KMeans.train(None) # Get the cluster centers from the kmeans object, represented as a list of NumPy arrays. (see centroids = None # predict returns (a) Predicted cluster label or (b) an RDD of predicted cluster labels if the input is an RDD. labelsRDD = kmeans.predict(parsedData) labels = labelsRDD.collect() #print(centroids) #print(labels) ######## do not change below ######## dataset = pd.read_csv("fleet_data.csv") X = dataset.values[:,1:] # features # figure size plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) # customize gridness plt.rc('grid', linestyle="--", color='gray') colors = ['r', 'g', 'b', 'm', 'c'] for i in range(k): ind = [j for j in range(len(labels)) if labels[j] == i] # plot the data observations # Colormaps reference: plt.scatter(X[ind,0], X[ind,1], c=colors[i], s=10, label='Cluster %d'%i) # plot the centroids lines = plt.plot(centroids[i][0],centroids[i][1],'kx') # make the centroid x's bigger plt.setp(lines,ms=15.0) plt.setp(lines,mew=2.0) pltlabels = data_header.split(",") plt.xlabel(pltlabels[1]) plt.ylabel(pltlabels[2]) # print the grid plt.grid(True) # print the legend plt.legend() ######## end of non editable area ########